Why The ARMED Woman?
When we accept Jesus Christ into our lives, many tend to fall into religion rather than relationship. This often happens because we are seldom taught how to build a relationship with Jesus Christ, how to study His Word and rightly divide the Word of Truth. In Ephesians 6:12, Paul informs us that our “struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” In order to stand our ground when evil comes, we must be suited in the full armor of God. Many believers can quote the scripture, but few of us are truly prepared when the attacks come our way. Instead of fighting, we often concede. It is not because we are afraid but because we aren’t fully prepared to fight and win.
The ARMED Woman will spiritually equip women for victory in all areas of life. God commands us to be ARMED! When we apply His truth to every area of our lives, we will walk out the victorious and abundant life God has promised to us. We cannot successfully operate in what we do not know and or understand.
I created The ARMED Woman because I have a passion to teach God’s Word and to help women apply the principles to every area of their lives. So many of us are intimidated by the Bible or just don’t know where to start. We check our phones the first thing in the morning instead of starting our day with God but then wonder why our hearts aren’t prepared to handle the spiritual attacks with which we are faced . We turn to Google instead of God and audiobooks rather than being audible with Him. I want to help women to see the power that comes when we apply God’s truth to every area of our lives – our relationships, our marriages, our parenting, our careers, our infertility, our strongholds and anything else we face in life. The Bible is the believer’s source of guidance throughout life on earth. It is the blueprint for how we should live and I know that I have been called to disciple women through the truth of God’s Word. I want to teach them how to put on the full armor of God and successfully stand against the devil’s schemes.
- ARMED believes that there is one God who is infinitely perfect and the Creator of all things. The Holy Trinity exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit
- ARMED believes that the Bible is the perfect and inspired Word of God, the instruction of how we are to live in Christ.
- ARMED believes that the shared blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the only means through which we can receive salvation and justification. Only those who believe in faith & confess Jesus Christ as Lord are born again of the Holy Spirit and become children of God.
- ARMED believes that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ and not by good works done on the earth.
- ARMED believes that Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit (“Spirit of Truth”) to dwell in us. The Holy Spirit is present to convict us of sin and provide guidance for righteous living.
- ARMED believes that there is one body (the church) in Christ created to advance His Kingdom as He has purposed.
- ARMED believes that the Christian walk is a journey, not a destination. We must die daily in our flesh in order to walk in righteousness as Christ has called us to do. God’s desire is that we grow in Christ and become spiritually mature, which does not happen immediately upon receiving salvation.
- ARMED believes that there will be a new earth for those who have accepted Christ into their hearts and lives as their perfect Savior upon His second coming.